
Showing posts from December, 2017


elder couple shovel the snow but looks heppy not tired from as their grandchildren"s coming to see


                                                    Why people celebrate new year ?                                                                                                                                      21703708                                                                                                                                     Keitaro Ura      Last week, my group talked about strange new year's celebration around the world. I want to know what kind of celebration each country's people have and why they do that. As I search some new year's traditions in the world, I found a analogy.      As my group presented, people in Peru have strange, unique way to celebrate new year. The new year tradition of Peru is called Takanakuy. Takanakuy is a festival which is held by about a thousand people every year at the end of every year. In this festival, people hold a serious fight with each other in order to start off the new year in a fresh state. T


title:The relationship between violent media and real world violence. main idea:Violence on media does not have an influence on people's behaviour .

Weekly Journal 10

     According to researchers, today's teenagers are growning up more slowly than before. This research isbased on over 40 years observation. Today's teens are not as responsible as teenagers from  the 70's , 80's and 90's. A professor said their development has slowed down. She said Today's 18- year-olds are like 15- year-olds used to be. This can be because today's teenager tend to live with their parents for being involved in online network. We teenagers must try to earn our own living and live with being separated from presents.

Weekly Journal 9

     A study said mothers across the world speak to their babies in the same way. "Akachan Kotoba" is called " motherese" in English. According to researchers, motherese is a world language and a special  form of communication. Motherese helps babies develop their language. A researcher said baby  talk  is more important than we thought. As the more parents speak to their babies, the more sophisticated the babies' language  skill is, parents don't have to be embarrassed to talk in that way "Motherese". I encourage them to do so and also will do so.